Note: Many thanks to JoVonn Hill, Kathy Kirk, and John Capinera for help with ID. The species are in taxonomic order, with repeat photos in the order I photographed them. Comments welcomed! The two books I use the most are:
-Grasshoppers, Katydids and Crickets of the US (Capinera et al)
-Grasshoppers of Florida (Capinera et al)
-Grasshoppers, Katydids and Crickets of the US (Capinera et al)
-Grasshoppers of Florida (Capinera et al)
Of less applicability due to distance but still helpful are:
-Guide to the Grasshoppers of Wisconsin (Kirk and Bomar)
-The Orthoptera of Michigan (Bland)
This site is being published in March 2020, and many of the pages have been brought over from my old site but are not yet cleaned up from transcription issue... please be patient with me!